Tuesday, May 19, 2009

It all started with a New Rug...

"We need a focal point"...ugh, I had heard those words a million times. I don't want the brick fireplace to dictate the color of my walls! Five years ago Doug and I picked out a throw rug for the formal sitting room in swirls with multi colors. This rug accented the fireplace plus gave us a pallet of several colors to choose from. These were earth tones and dark colors, many colors, but again I repeat "dark colors". And so over the past five years that rug has been the spring board for what colors we could or could not paint the room. The problem wasn't that I completely hated the color Copper Penny. The problem was that it sucked all of the light out of that room, which is connected to both the dining area as well as the kitchen. Living in Seattle can be especially gloomy during the winter season. I refused to go another winter with dark walls.

The dilemma is that I love color. After painting Davenport I was still not happy. It, too, sucked all the light from the room. Feeling frustrated I gave up for a while. That is when I came up with a plan. If Doug was going to make me design color around a rug then I needed a new one. Something white. Something large. Something fluffy. I happened upon this very rug and knew at once I had to have it. So I bought it for myself and called it my Mother's Day gift. Doug couldn't make me take back a mother's day gift, now could he?

Later that night Doug and I went out and saw the new Star Trek movie. When we came home it was around 1:00 am. Guess what? The room was light. The carpet had made all the difference! Now all I needed was fabric...and paint...and convincing Doug. That was the hardest part.

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